Personalized Service Tailored to Meet Your Needs

That’s Prime Health


Workers' Compensation

We provide customized workers’ comp PPO networks, including Texas HCN and California MPN, tailored to client needs.


Group Health

Our solutions include diverse network types, EDI management, and claims negotiations to support carriers, TPAs, and employers.


Auto Casualty

We provide a seamless healthcare experience and cost savings through a preferred provider network for Auto Casualty.


Personal Injury

Our nationwide network ensures efficient claims processing, cost-effective care, and complete recovery support.



We deliver cost-saving healthcare solutions for correctional facilities with customized networks and streamlined claims processes.


Medicare Advantage

Our network of providers offers cost-effective senior care, at-home services, and tailored solutions for Medicare Advantage members.



Renovo is an all-in-one technology solution designed to elevate how you manage pricing, processing, and performance across various healthcare markets. With leading-edge capabilities and customizable tools, Renovo empowers organizations to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver superior outcomes.


Optimizing Healthcare with PPO Solutions and Cutting-Edge Technology.

Delivering smarter solutions for seamless care, cost savings, and efficient claims management.

Have a Question? Call us!

(866) 348-3887

You Can Rely On Our Savings And Services.

Businesses And Entities Depend On Our
Flexibility And Attention To Detail.

What If Your Medical Provider Network Could Be More Customized?

We Start With The Needs Of Our Client And Work Outwards From There.

What If Better Pricing Came With Better Service?

Better Market Penetration Means More Options At A Lower Cost.

What If Transparency And Real-Time Turnaround Was The Standard?

We Pride Ourselves On Real-Time Repricing And Regular Communication On The Status Of Accounts.

At our company, we value our healthcare partners above all else. They are integral to our success and are at the heart of everything we do.

Rather Than Saying The Right Things,
We Want To Be Asking The Right Questions.

What If Joining A Network Supported Your Business?

Prime Health Can Drive Awareness And Business To Your Practice.

What If You Could Have More Confidence In Correct Bill Processing?

Your Payments Are Reliable Being In The Prime Health Network. Our Dispute Rate Is Less Than 1%.

What If You Could Be Paid Within 30 Days?

Claims Are Processed And Paid Within An Average Of 14 Days Because Of The Advanced EDI Platform We Built.