Auto Casualty
Auto Insurance has come of age.
Presently, top auto insurance companies seek premium medical networks with contracts for addressing the distinct injuries sustained by motor vehicle accident victims. These insurers not only desire access to medical care but also a preferred provider network that acts as a referral source to ensure follow-up care beyond the emergency room is obtained. Additionally, auto insurance providers aim to achieve reasonable savings and measurable outcomes in an outcomes-based environment. Thus, taking care of motor vehicle accident victims has become equally important as any other aspect of healthcare.
On the other hand, Property and Casualty (P&C) insurance refers to insurance policies that protect individuals and businesses from financial loss caused by damage or loss to their property and liability to third-party claims. Prime Health Services supports the auto insurance industry by providing a network of preferred medical providers who can provide medical care for drivers and passengers in the event of an auto accident or personal injury protection accident.
Auto insurance companies are now looking beyond emergency rooms and driving access to medical care networks for their members, and Prime Health Services helps these companies reduce medical expenses related to auto accidents so they can pass the savings onto their members.